The blahs. Or whatever you want to call it. It’s something every writer, creative, human goes through. Those days of what am I doing with my life and why doesn’t it feel right? It comes in waves, like most fits of panic, but when Mercury is in retrograde at least there’s a cosmic explanation for the existential dread.
Without going too much into the meaning behind Mercury and why it retrogrades, let’s just say—astrologically speaking—it shifts several times a year and has been known to affect the way we think. So when those pesky thoughts of doubting my creative journey start to throw me off course, my analytical brain and spiritual soul can diagnose the issue: Mercury’s messed up, not me.
The good news is that Mercury doesn’t retrograde forever. This too shall pass. But instead of just waiting for this period to end, why not work through it—whatever that looks like, be it writing, drawing, talking, or meditating. Move forward even though Mercury is in reverse. Even if it’s a slow crawl and still doesn’t feel like progress, it’s a step in the right direction.
So that's what I'm doing to power through this period of blah. I've talked out the frustrations with some creative friends, breathed life back into this blog, and started planning more projects for the fall. It's comforting to know it's not just me down in the doldrum trenches. So hopefully this post will find those who need to suffer in solidarity.
There’s also no shame in taking time to pause. No need to constantly move forward or back. Simply being in the moment is a great way to put things into perspective. But trying not to let the point of view skew toward the negative can be challenging. This is when it’s time to count those blessings. List what there is to be grateful for. Turn moments of doubt into reminders of grace.
So, thanks Mercury, for throwing things off balance a bit. It may not be fun to have those spiraling moments, but it’s a reminder that even though we’re only human, we’re all connected to greater processes at work.